Visual Learning and Literacy - Reflection 2

7/05/2013 03:55:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I had a couple of hiccups with the Visual Learning Modules. Firstly, when I was able to sit down and start the modules, I had issues with Angel and couldn't see quite a bit of the information. Secondly, I couldn't bring myself to want to take notes and read the material because I have basically taken a class EXACTLY like this just without the teaching aspect to it. (It's is completely what I have my B.A. in!) but alas I was not able to get credit for the class because we need it for the educator's perspective.
I never thought that a class could be challenging because it was already known information for me.
But, I'll try to stay on topic with what I learned about becoming great visually literate teacher, rather than a visual creator.

Glogster - This is a neat little site, but honestly there is more wrong with it than anything classified as good. Maybe it would be better to say that it isn't "fantastic." But then again, maybe there are more features if you pay for the site? I would rather dress up a wiki page to do the exact same thing.
There may be some margin for error. I looked over and explored as much a I can, but I left that it wasn't up to snuff. They worried more about making their layout look appealing than offering the teacher of student more technology to work with.
1. No html embed. Meaning, if my video isn't from YouTube chances are I can't do anything but up link to the video I want to play. It was nice that I could add a still from the video and then link it. The glog would stay open and all I would have to do is close it when I was done and it would revert back to the presentation glog. Like I said before there may be some error on my part. Maybe I couldn't figure out how to add the html embed.
2. Lack of layouts bothered me. I believe there were 6, and I understand that you could delete everything and start from scratch yourself, but for a teacher that has a limited amount of time (and maybe even know how) this could be a little cumbersome.
3. Instead of replacing the hot pink photo boxes, you have to delete them. They are there for a guideline rather than a replacement, and I think that is just weird. I should have been able to click the photo button and just replaced it, rather than delete and place.

There were some positives though.
1. I liked that there were layouts to choose from.
2. I liked that they gave you placement suggestions.
3. I liked the framing options. Those were really fun to play with.

Overall, I think this has a lot of potential, but for me, it was a difficult assignment because I wanted to be able to do more with my blog, but I couldn't.

Inspiration - I honestly had more fun researching my lesson than creating this design, and that is saying something because I love to design. Because I want to be a Language Arts or English teacher, this was a nice tool for character development webs and theme tables. The only issue I had with the assignment was that I had nothing that I could create a link to because of the lesson I created. I made a lesson on Sherlock Holmes, but I couldn't embed a link to a clip because of copyright with YouTube, and then I couldn't link of something else to link to. I would have liked to have shown a clip for the lesson and probably would have cut the scene from a movie or show (or both!) to emphasize the point.

I honestly probably didn't give this assignment the attention that I should have. Meaning, I could probably have done a lot more with the layout and design. But I did create a new lesson out of it, so that turned out nicely.
I would actually recommend and remember to keep this tool for teaching. This is what it means to teach for Visual Learners!

Overall, I had fun with the overall computer aspect of these assignments, and it was funny because my mom (36 years in teaching!) wanted to see my work, but I was sitting at the kitchen table, frustrated that I couldn't do more. She told me that sometimes I just need to slow down and do things simply. To an extent I think it's true. I shouldn't have to do everything in such a fancy way. So the lesson for more was more about patience.